Hi, I am Stephen B. Harrison, Managing Director at sbh4.
My professional background extends over more than 30 years. Of those years, 16 were in the UK with The BOC Group plc, a FTSE 100 company. More recently, I worked for 10 years in Munich with Linde AG, a DAX30 organisation. As a result of this international experience, I am bilingual in English and German and I have dual nationality.
For more than half of my career, I have championed and led a niche Specialty Gases business within these two Industrial Gases giants. So, I have experienced the big corporate environment and the more intimate small firm culture that thrived in the specialties division.
Since 2017, I have been running my own consulting practice at sbh4.
I maintain close contact with the industrial gases sector through my work with gasworld & H2 View. I write for both of these leading trade publications and I am also a member of their editorial advisory boards.
In 2019 my wife, Gundula Harrison, also joined sbh4. She has German, Chinese and English language skills and a wealth of experience at DAX 30 automotive and industrial companies and several Mittelstand organisations.
Our insight, experience, energy and expertise are at your service.
Kranzlstraße 21
82538 Geretsried OT Gelting
Tel +49 (0)8171 24 64 954
Email: info@sbh4.de
Tax reference number: 139/137/20827
USt-IdNr: DE314432033
County Court Munich trading register: HRB 235949
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 89450010HHLQFO48ZZ58
Commerzbank AG
(Formerly Dresdner Bank AG)
IBAN: DE26 7008 0000 0250 4467 00 (EUR, USD, AUD)
IBAN: DE96 7008 0000 0250 4467 01 (GBP)
Business Publications by Stephen B. Harrison
Decarbonisation and climate technology videos from sbh4
Business articles by Gundula Harrison
Stephen B. Harrison Certificates
Recommendations and Testimonials